NCPI FHIR Implementation Guide
0.2.0 - ci-build

NCPI FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.2.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example ObservationDefinition: Example Study DD Variable gender

Dataset variable definition, gender, is based on the profile, StudyDdVariable. Based on ObservationDefinition, the Study DD Variable describes a single variable from one of the Study’s data tables. To link the definition across various dataset components, the use of the Study’s code representation for that variable is used in the *code” property which is: gender in this case.

To indicate what types of data can be expected to be found, the permittedDataType is used, which in this case is set to “CodeableConcept” and points to the ValueSet from which the code is found. .

Generated Narrative: ObservationDefinition

Resource ObservationDefinition "example-study-dd-variable-1-2"

Profile: NCPI Study DD Data Variable

code: Gender (Datatable CodeSystem (lists all variables)#gender)

permittedDataType: CodeableConcept

validCodedValueSet: "AdministrativeGender"